How to Create an Online Business Plan for 2015

Adult man thinking of his 2015 online business plan

Can you believe it’s already February? While I’m sure many of you have been busy starting to implement your 2015 business plans, while others are still in the process of creating them, there’s one business plan you may have forgotten to create and start implementing: your 2015 online business plan. What is an online business plan, and why […]

How to Use Facebook Ads for Real Estate Marketing

Target with Bullseye

Real estate marketing is an interesting process.  Offline, we create postcards, magnets, handwritten notes, newsletters, Just Listeds, Open Houses, Just Solds and more – and proceed to blanket the neighborhood we’ve chosen to farm with everything.  Oftentimes, it’s on a “drip” basis, so it happens weekly or monthly.  Sometimes, we even take the material door-to-door […]

Should You Use Pinterest for Real Estate?

Pinterest Logo

Any time a new social media site gets launched, people within the real estate industry scramble to see how and if it should be applied to the real estate business.  Sometimes, it’s like stuffing a square peg into a round hole.  Sometimes, however, the medium is right for reaching out to people (clients) in non-threatening […]

How to Use Evernote for Rental Properties


Recently, I spent a week in Melbourne, Australia at a conference for the Real Estate Institute of Victoria, speaking about how to become a mobile agent and about various apps that can make life easier for real estate agents.  One of the most popular subjects I touched upon in both of those sessions was the very […]

Test and Measure Your Online Efforts


Congratulations!  You’ve decided to incorporate some online marketing in your real estate business plan.  The first step is always admitting that you need to do something – and, according to NAR statistics, online is the place where the buyers and sellers are.  (Source)  Once you’ve made that decision, the next step is to decide where you’re […]

How to Start Marketing Via Email

Technology in Real Estate

One of the oldest forms of marketing via technology is email marketing.  With the proliferation of email and an influx of marketers entering the email marketing arena, however, email marketing has lost some of its usefulness.  According to a 2013 Constant Contact study, the average open rate of a real estate-related email is 17.49%.  (Source)  […]

How to Use Google Plus for Real Estate

Technology in Real Estate

There has been increased discussion over the past few months over Google Plus, as a social platform that many thought was just a “fad” is starting to win people over through sheer tenacity with a push from Google in “rewarding” people who post to or connect their blogs and websites to Google Plus.  Bill Gassett […]

Protecting Your Online Images

Technology in Real Estate

The online world has become a fantastic place to discover all manner of pictures and images.  People post them on all the different forms of social media – Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – without a second thought.  However, most don’t think about where those images actually originated, nor whether they have the right […]