What is Remarketing or Retargeting Marketing?

retargeting marketing

“I always feel like…somebody’s watching me…and I have no privacy…”  Have you ever felt followed on the Internet?  You might look at a pair of shoes at Target or visit someone’s website, and all of sudden, no matter where you go on the web, there are those shoes, there’s that person.  Ever wonder how and why that […]

How to Use Facebook Ads for Real Estate Marketing

Target with Bullseye

Real estate marketing is an interesting process.  Offline, we create postcards, magnets, handwritten notes, newsletters, Just Listeds, Open Houses, Just Solds and more – and proceed to blanket the neighborhood we’ve chosen to farm with everything.  Oftentimes, it’s on a “drip” basis, so it happens weekly or monthly.  Sometimes, we even take the material door-to-door […]