Real estate marketing is an interesting process. Offline, we create postcards, magnets, handwritten notes, newsletters, Just Listeds, Open Houses, Just Solds and more – and proceed to blanket the neighborhood we’ve chosen to farm with everything. Oftentimes, it’s on a “drip” basis, so it happens weekly or monthly. Sometimes, we even take the material door-to-door […]
The Newest Kid on the Block: Revaluate
There’s a new kid on the block in the real estate website world. However, unlike your typical brokerage site that might pull data and statistics only from the MLS, and the “Big 3″ (Zillow, Trulia,, who rely on third-parties to provide them with similar information, Revaluate has launched, promising enhanced search via livability ratings. […]
Should You Use Pinterest for Real Estate?
Any time a new social media site gets launched, people within the real estate industry scramble to see how and if it should be applied to the real estate business. Sometimes, it’s like stuffing a square peg into a round hole. Sometimes, however, the medium is right for reaching out to people (clients) in non-threatening […]
Set Up Evernote for Your Real Estate Business in 3 Easy Steps
Evernote. It’s a pretty much inescapable word these days. Attend any real estate conference, visit any Facebook page for real estate technology, talk with any trainers or fellow agents…at one point or another, you’re going to hear “Evernote” come out of someone’s mouth. Two blog posts ago, I even talked about using Evernote for your […]
New App Alert: Making a Humin Connection
In the real estate world, technology is often set aside in favor of what people say they are seeking – the “human connection.” However, what real estate agents often don’t realize is that technology is what enables them to make and/or keep those connections in the first place. We meet potential clients everywhere – a religious […]
How to Use Evernote for Rental Properties
Recently, I spent a week in Melbourne, Australia at a conference for the Real Estate Institute of Victoria, speaking about how to become a mobile agent and about various apps that can make life easier for real estate agents. One of the most popular subjects I touched upon in both of those sessions was the very […]
Success Through Systems
How to Run a Google Hangout With Your Clients
Google has a number of offerings for real estate agents, most of which you’re probably already aware of: GMail, Google Analytics, Google Alerts, and YouTube (to name a few). The burgeoning social media site Google has created in Google Plus (or Google +), however, offers up several different opportunities to not only illustrate your local knowledge, […]
5 Reasons I Love Inman Connect San Francisco
July is almost upon us, and I’m excited. Why? Not only because it’s the month with the birth of both my mother and our nation, but also because it’s the month that infallibly brings Inman Connect San Francisco. While the delights of Inman Connect New York City in January are many, it’s not the same atmosphere […]
5 Essentials for New Real Estate Agents
When you’re first starting out in real estate, it can be a tricky thing to know what you will and won’t need as a new agent. As you get bombarded with paperwork from the associations, exam study materials, broker information and more legal language than most can wrap their heads around, what often gets lost […]